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By Evan-Amos - Own work, Public Domain |
And before you know it you're in the tail end of the month! Close to the mid year point! I tend to panic like that. You may have noticed.
On the surface it looks (without much digging) like there is 'not a lot' to report. I am still plodding away with the kefir and kombucha (hopefully getting my kombucha crock in May, how exciting!), adapting recipes - sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much... And school holidays are over, so we are trying to find our groove again. Trouble is, the kids have had some awesome imaginative play it has been very difficult to get and book work done; but then I think of Charlotte Mason and 'busywork', and remind myself that though they aren't learning what the national programmers think is what they should be learning at this specific, exact age, I can see what they are learning and how they are growing and interests they are developing, and that is good. Some days that is easier for me to accept than others! And it always helps when they come out and say something like: 'Mum, I just finished the Harry Potter series!', 'Mum, I've just re-read The Odyssey (because I liked it so much)', 'Mum, we need to go back to the library...', 'Mum, give me the radius of a circle and I'll tell you the area,', 'Mum, I figured out why my model boat won't float,', 'Mum, I did my washing!' I especially like this last one...
The possibility to go orienteering this week was a great motivator for doing the things we'd rather not be doing - I love motivators. Removal of screen privileges is great when it works as a motivator rather than a punishment; but if it is a consequence for one reason or another I live with that.It is so much quieter when they aren't squabbling over who got longer on the computer or who had the audacity to watch over my shoulder during MY turn (or was stupid enough to make a noise and get caught by sibling), and that is when their 'better' play time happens. 'I can't play XYZ, so I may as well play with a sibling...' And that's where we get them - as they have this past fortnight - building film sets and creating movies, making elaborate sets for crashes and dramatic rescues in the garden - usually involving a hose.., building 'habitats' (we had a jungle, a marine environment and a savanna in the lounge last week - at the same time, of course), or a full on three-ring circus with tigers and tiger tamers. It's so awesome when they forget to be annoyed by each other because they are too busy enjoying one another's company. I am writing this because I know one day (possibly soon) I will have to remind them that they do, actually, in fact, for real, like each other. Shhh! It's also awesome now that the older ones are showing the fruit of years of teaching housework skills. It is quite amazing when I don't have to 1) do it (everything!) myself , or 2) have to re-do it! It was either 1) do some washing and put some things away, or 2) leave it for mum to do and she'll be too tired to go to orienteering (yes, those spoons again). And they stepped up, and we had a lovely time orienteering. And I am so glad I didn't make concrete plans for the rest of the week because I am very tired! And it's a long weekend ahead of more house hunting. Which brings us to the 'chips' photo.
We need to move. Moving takes a lot out of me. Last time I had an adrenal crash. That was not fun. It took me three months to prepare for a move and three months to get over it. I'd really like to not have to do that again, so I am trying to be careful. Considering we have had five moves in six years - this will be the seventh, I am feeling tired just thinking about it. Anyway, it has to be done. So we have been doing weekend reconnaissance. Scoping out suburbs - most especially for noise! We load up the kids, some snacks and our list and off we go. Last time we grabbed some snacks at the shop on the way. And of course there is next to nothing 'snacky' I can buy - convenience food for the food challenged will involved at least chopping some vegetables. I had had a big lunch so thought I would be ok, I usually am, but i got peckish. And looked longingly at the (delicious smelling) chips hubby and kidlets were sharing. I glanced over the ingredients - eyes a bit glazed from everything that day, saw there were a few dodgy things buuuuut mostly ok? I figured at worst gluten might give me IBS, but one way to find out. So I had a few...
We need to move. Moving takes a lot out of me. Last time I had an adrenal crash. That was not fun. It took me three months to prepare for a move and three months to get over it. I'd really like to not have to do that again, so I am trying to be careful. Considering we have had five moves in six years - this will be the seventh, I am feeling tired just thinking about it. Anyway, it has to be done. So we have been doing weekend reconnaissance. Scoping out suburbs - most especially for noise! We load up the kids, some snacks and our list and off we go. Last time we grabbed some snacks at the shop on the way. And of course there is next to nothing 'snacky' I can buy - convenience food for the food challenged will involved at least chopping some vegetables. I had had a big lunch so thought I would be ok, I usually am, but i got peckish. And looked longingly at the (delicious smelling) chips hubby and kidlets were sharing. I glanced over the ingredients - eyes a bit glazed from everything that day, saw there were a few dodgy things buuuuut mostly ok? I figured at worst gluten might give me IBS, but one way to find out. So I had a few...
Potatoes, sunflower oil, sugar, vegetable oil, salt, sour cream powder, onion powder, corn starch, yeast extract ,dextrin, food acids (sodium diacetate, citric acid, lactic acid), buttermilk powder, spices (chilli, paprika, black pepper), hydrolysed vegetable protein, maltodextrin, garlic powder, natural colours (cochineael, caramel, paprika extract), natural flavours.
Contains gluten. Milk or milk products, soybeans or soybean products.
Within half an hour I had a headache and stiff neck. Within an hour I had sore kidneys - hello?? And that evening I felt like I had a flu - sore muscles, hot and cold flushes.... Sooooo I have learned my lesson and won't be doing that again! Will have to pack better for this weekends searching!
So what has been filling our time and making me feel like I haven't 'achieved' anything?
Mademoiselle is learning to make muesli; I suspect mastery is some time off, but we have that time. We also enjoyed the Sound of Music on stage; plenty to say about that but I'll spare you. We had a wonderful time and even got to wander through the art gallery before we had to come back to 'real life' and collect the others! Young Sir is learning to make breakfasts that don't contain gluten, grains or sugars. When you consider Young Sir has ASD, that is pretty impressive. I am very proud of him. Younger Sirs, well, I am glad I have taken some photos. We have spent the day I started this post learning about the Boers, geometry and grammar, making more kefirs and broth and I *even* got to start a canvas. The kids have done some great art and crafts too. It rained on two days, but only AFTER we had managed to bring in the washing - without 'that' panic:
And we had some great talks about faith with the kids - you know, when they are listening and responsive! So after further reflection and looking through my diary and photos I can say that all in all, these past few weeks have been productive in a positive way, and I am grateful. And today, even though I feel wrung out, I feel a bit more peaceful. But I will be spending the night on the sofa semi comatose. And watch North and South if I can muster the energy.
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