Yes, that is a play on words. For a number of reasons.
My Pug Mug. Always makes me feel like I have someone empathising with me as I fortify myself. |
Firstly - and I will elaborate presently, these days are long. Looong. Mainly because (da-da-da-DAH!) I am not 100% (of my normal percentage anyway) again. There is a good (I *think*) reason for that.
Secondly - MTHFR. Yesss, we'll talk about that a bit today because I am working through this.
Thirdly - it is April and still 30-33˚C (86-91˚F). This is supposed to be autumn. ?? I mean, it is a lot nicer and cooler than summer (very pleasant, actually), but it just feels a bit weird. Having moved progressively further north over the last five years I am looking at my 'winter' wardrobe and wondering both why I packed it and brought it with us, and if I'll ever wear some of those lovely winter coats etc again. Which is strange really, because as a rule, I hate being cold. Then again, I am really not fussed on being hot. Once it hits 35˚ I can no longer function without air conditioning. Ok, well, I CAN, but not well. And probably not without complaining. I know I did it when I was younger (as with a lot of things!) but I cannot fathom how! But I do love 'rugging up', snuggling in bed and coming in from the cold. A nice walk along the beach in winter. I know, I need to learn to deal with that. But it's still very warm for April, right?
Lastly - Daze. That's what I've been in the past few days. I saw my doctor last week. And it was good. And things were looking up. What happened?
*for goodness sakes - this is not medical advice, this is me ruminating, masticating, and attempting to regurgitate what I am reading in a manner that makes sense to me. And it is mostly all personal to my particular genetic polymorphisms. If you think you need to look into it a bit further find a GP who specialises in nutritional and environmental medicine.
I've spoken a little about MTHFR. It is confusing - to say the least! By no means do I profess to understand this, but I am constantly reading, pinning and searching for more 'simplified' explanations and diagrams.
Because this is just nuts: (and note, it is the 'Simplified Pathway'!!)
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From Dr Amy Yasko |
Back to "this week's problem!" After feeling relatively well, one day I woke up exhausted. I overslept by nearly two hours and could still hardly move. I'm pretty sure my internal clock gave me a good shake because I was expecting a knock on the door early that morning! Then I had to sit down for a loooong time, try to drink something and take my pills.I was dragging myself around. Eventually I made it to a shower which I had hoped would reinvigorate me, but instead left me more tired, and I spent the afternoon in various states of consciousness on the sofa...again! And the pain was back. Bearable, but sore! I hadn't been that bad for about a month - so why now?
The only thing that had changed was that I had run out of SAMe supplement, for about a week. I have to order it from overseas - I knew I was low but I was hoping not to need it anymore. It takes about a week to arrive and should be here today (I hope!) and then perhaps, in a few days, I should be back on that road to recovery. I really hope!!
So why is it so important? SAMe is a methyl donor. When your body is not methylating effectively you will (among other things) accumulate abnormal levels of toxic heavy metals, be at risk for heart disease, stroke, dementia, some cancers, blood clots, memory loss, chronic inflammation and auto immune conditions. It is not a pretty list. It also restricts the body's ability to manufacture glutathione, which it requires for detoxification.
I found a few articles that I could understand (I am NOT a scientist, this is harder than learning Portuguese for me, it is a 'whole other language'!). I am just slogging through, trying to make sense - as are a great number of people. It is amazing to think this is really rather a common condition - just generally unheard of. I wonder what it will be like in 20 years time? I think everyone will be talking about their own particular polymorphisms and making better choices for their health. Well, that is another hope!
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From the Article: Holy MTHFR! By Laura Matheos |
The methylfolate and Methyl-B12 interaction, in a nutshell, is what propels your body’s ability to fuel every cell in your body with energy. If they don't interact, the red and green cogs don't turn properly either. This is where the homocycteine levels get out of balance (increase risk of dementia, stroke, heart disease etc) and it also inhibits the production of glutathione, which means essentially: you don't detox properly - chemicals (cleaning, food additives, vaccines etc), metals, general stressors etc. (I remember very clearly doing a three day detox cleanse designed to flush toxins - it stirred them up but I couldn't get rid of them! I was very sick. A friend said to me that that wasn't normal, which started me thinking about the rest of my health.) The SAMe is needed in that last cycle on the end there. I can't explain exactly how, but it is supposed to be produced in all of these interactions and I'm not producing enough yet. So it makes sense to me that I crashed under the inability to deal with toxins/stress over a week. And I think that explains the joint/limb pains too. I am thinking of it a bit like having some sand in the gears, and need help cleaning it up. As I said before- not a scientist! Please don't quote me!
And I am still trying to understand how to explain any further than that.
I am anticipating the SAMe to arrive today, and with the addition of more TMG, I plan to have a better week next week. Especially as I looked at the calendar today and next week is making me feel a little weary in anticipation! I am going to have to be careful.
In efforts to look after myself, I am doing what I can. Yesterday I didn't physically have the energy to prepare anything for myself to eat. It's not helpful, but if you have an answer to preparing something gluten/sugar/preservative free from scratch when you can't even sit up on a chair, please let me know! I try to have something prepared just in case, but it caught me unawares. Today was a little better- in my Pug Mug (top photo) I have my magic elixir.... a ghee and cream sugar free dark hot chocolate. Lots of fats to fill me up and it feels like I am treating myself. I am a big fan of high fat, low carb. When I have the energy. Point being, (good) fat is good!
(I have gone a bit wild with the photo editing today. It was my whim)
I had the presence of mind (it must have been a good week, pre-crash) to make some broth this weekend. It was entirely too much work yesterday to heat some up, but today I managed broth and kombucha for brunch. Talk about spoilt! I have trouble with food in the morning (a zinc thing, I think) so it is often brunch, rather than breakfast. But I don't worry about that so much as I used to. So long as I am eating as well as I can, when I can. And also because I might have slept in a bit. Again... Interestingly, I said last time I had been sleeping better - and I had. But last night I was awake into the wee small hours again. Another sign of being out of balance. Interesting!
I also made this delicious loaf. I (heavily) adapted a recipe I have been meaning to try for ages- I can't even find where I sourced it. It became a chocolate, chia, pumpkin and walnut loaf. Slathered in ghee. I am thinking I will have to make a few of these and wrap slices in my freezer for those 'can't hardly move' mornings.
And I had it with a kefir-komboocha cocktail! Goodness me, who would want a 'typical' breakfast after that??
So I had really, really hoped to get some painting done this week. I am all up to date on my tutorials and classes I am following. Yesterday I managed to slump over my art table looking at my watercolours for twenty minutes, before accepting nothing was going to happen...and I fell asleep. Today I managed to set up a canvas on my easel and look at it for a bit. The only reason I got this blog post up was because I can sit in a chair better today, and I am a lazy typist- I only have to move my fingers (my wrists are collapsed on the desk, shamefully). But I can read and type, and feel like I have gotten a bit further into understanding my health and how it is affecting me - today!
The kids have thrown themselves into movie making today, I can hardly believe how well they are working together it has been amazing. How nice it will be if they pick up tomorrow where they have reluctantly left off today. And I feel a little better and can lift my brushes! Then I might actually make some marks on that canvas...
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